Listen to the People not the Pollutors


Listen to the People not the Pollutors

from $1.50

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"from": "John Doe",
"to": "President D. Trump",
"to_address": ["Donald Trump","PO Box 123","Washington DC"],
"letter": "I am writing to you because I find it unbelievable that years of scientific research on climate change has been cast aside by the EPA to make it easier for corporations to pollute the environment in order to make a profit.\r\n\r\nScott Pruitt has for years considered himself a leading advocate against the EPA and has stated that climate change is a hoax. This is the person who is in charge of protecting the environment?\r\n\r\nPlease let me know what you are going to protect the environment from being destroyed.\r\n\r\nIf I can do more please let me know.\r\n\r\nThank you for your help with this matter."

