No to Fracking


No to Fracking

from $1.50

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"from": "My Name",
"to": "My Elected Officials",
"to_address": ["Officials Address"],
"letter": "I am writing to you to voice my opposition to hydraulic fracking which is a threat to people's health, creates toxic waste, pollutes the air, destroys habitats and most importantly contaminates drinking water.\r\n\r\nResearch has found that early life exposure to toxic chemicals used in the fracking slurry has been linked to potentially permanent learning and neuropsychological deficits, neurodevelopmental disorders and neurological birth defects.\r\n\r\nI would like to know what you are going to do to safeguard the public’s health and our environment against further destruction from hydraulic fracking.\r\n\r\nIf I can do more please let me know.\r\n\r\nThank you for your help with this matter."

